Monday, June 16, 2014

Foraging for a feast

       For fathers day, I decided to make my dad a foraged lunch. I had never cooked a formal wild food meal for anyone, although all of my family has had some of my wild food at some point. I was torn about what to make, so I figured I would just see what I found. It just happened that a few days before fathers day we were going to fonthill, a castle made out of cement, and there were 50 acres of forest surrounding it. I figured there would be some wild edibles, and there were. I found tons of spicebush (middle left in the picture), tons of dock (middle middle in the picture), a little bit of stinging nettle (middle right in the picture) and some daylily buds and tubers (tubers not illustrated, buds bottom middle). I also found narrow leafed bittercress, some mulberries that I ate on the spot, and some burdock.
       Fathers day came around faster then expected, and I had to get some stuff around my neighborhood to round out the meal. I got some lambs quarters, some field garlic, and some wild ginger (found that in the wissahickon). to prepare all of this goodness, I made iced spicebush tea, dock chips (like kale chips but with dock, and I coated the dock leaves in soy sauce that was infused with wild ginger and field garlic), and stinging nettle broth that I boiled the daylily tubers in. For the lambs quarters I made creamed lambs quarters, using a recipe for creamed spinach. This was incredibly good, and I had enough for everyone, not only my dad. I also made a narrow leaf bittercress salad. It seemed to have turned out really well. Have fun foraging and good luck to you all!

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